Speech PROBLEM & SOLUTION AT SHRAVANI 2018-08-08T18:30:04
Shravani Speech & Hearing Centre Mumbai


speech help at shravani

Timely speech therapy is necessary to rectify problems in communication and related areas such as oral motor function.

Speech and language therapy is required for patients having feeding and swallowing difficulties, learning difficulties, physical disabilities, language delay, hearing impairment, cleft palate, stammering, autism/social interaction difficulties, dyslexia and voice disorders, communication problems following stroke, head injury (traumatic brain injury), Parkinson’s disease, motor neuron disease, multiple sclerosis, huntington’s disease, dementia, cancer of the head, neck and throat (including laryngectomy), voice disorders, mental health issues and transsexual women seeking voice therapy.

Our team of qualified and experienced speech pathologists would spend time with you and your child for a detailed evaluation in order to find out if there is a problem and if so, what to do next?

Depending on the severity of the problem and other factors a therapy plan would be drawn up for your child and you would be detailed about the therapy techniques to be adopted, and the course of the therapy.

Shravani also provides services to people who are unable to talk, or to talk clearly as a result of conditions such as cerebral palsy, strokes, acquired brain damage or intellectual impairment or anyone whose speech is not clear enough to allow them to communicate. These people usually know more words than they are able to say. We at Shravani understand this and accordingly assess each client's communication needs and abilities and try to find some means of communication for such people.

We give people with limited means of communication a symbol board or a few manual signed or a chance to try out alternatives like speech synthesizers. We also have a physiotherapist and physiatrist on our panel to help with other associated problems that the person might have.

Over the years Shravani has earned tremendous goodwill for its dedication towards Speech and Hearing Health Care.

At SHRAVANI SPEECH AND HEARING CENTRE a patient is securely assured of World class professional services and unmatched privileges at all times.

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